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Mostrando entradas de enero, 2014

The Church - Level Design for Second City (Unity3d Engine)

Opinion - Modeling a scene for Unity3d with Autodesk Maya

Opinion - Modeling a scene for Unity3d with Autodesk Maya In this article I am going to talk about some tips for modeling stage or level to unity3d (can actually use the model in any graphics engine, thank's for exporters each engina has, either cry engine, unreal, even JMonkeyEngine, ogree3d and Panda3D). step 1 the first to model a level or stage is an idea that will. Thinking if you want to make a   city ​​a departmental editions, a forest, etc.. Getting Started and thence to hand-draw on paper the places   and objects they want to appear. seeking photos of familiar places online or both, including   They can use their neighborhood places, cinemas, banks, etc.. Whenever the level is not a game for very   fanciful, say wave Earthworm Jim, (very crazy!) can be copied and inspired by real life.   I do not advise you to download models because those models (or most, personal experience) are   designed and modeled for Rendering Stills, I mean, for very det...

Opinion - Modelado de un escenario para Unity3d con Autodesk Maya

En este articulo les voy a hablar sobre algunos consejos para modelar un escenario o nivel para unity3d ( en realidad pueden usar el modelo en cualquier motor grafico, gracias a los exportadores que hay para cada motor, ya sea cry engine, unreal, incluso JmonkeyEngine, ogree3d y panda3d). paso 1 el primer para modelar un nivel o escenario es tener una idea de que va a hacer. Pensa si queres hacer un pueblo, un edicio de departamentos, un bosque, etc. y de ahi empeza a dibujar a mano en papel los lugares y obejtos que quieren que aparezcan. busquen fotos por internet de lugares conocidos o no tanto, incluso pueden usar lugares de su vecindario, cines, bancoes, etc. Siempre que el nivel no sea para un juego muy fantasioso, digamos onda Earthworm Jim, (muy alocado!!) pueden copiar e inspirarse en la vida real. No les aconsejo que descarguen modelos, porque esos modelos ( o la mayoria, experiencia personal) estan pensados y modelados para Stills de Renderizado, o sea, para imag...

The Cementery - Level Design for Unity3d

The Blocked-Bridge

The Tunnel - Level Design for Unity...

The river-Bridge -- Level Design...

The City-Hall -- Level Design for Unity with Autodesk Maya

Overview - Level Design for Unity Autodesk Maya

The Pólice-Station - Level Design for Unity with Autodesk Maya