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Opinion - Modeling a scene for Unity3d with Autodesk Maya

Opinion - Modeling a scene for Unity3d with Autodesk Maya
In this article I am going to talk about some tips for modeling stage or level to unity3d (can actually use the model in any graphics engine,
thank's for exporters each engina has, either cry engine, unreal, even JMonkeyEngine, ogree3d and Panda3D).
step 1
the first to model a level or stage is an idea that will. Thinking if you want to make a
  city ​​a departmental editions, a forest, etc.. Getting Started and thence to hand-draw on paper the places
  and objects they want to appear. seeking photos of familiar places online or both, including
  They can use their neighborhood places, cinemas, banks, etc.. Whenever the level is not a game for very
  fanciful, say wave Earthworm Jim, (very crazy!) can be copied and inspired by real life.
  I do not advise you to download models because those models (or most, personal experience) are
  designed and modeled for Rendering Stills, I mean, for very detailed images, which a
  game will not help us because the essentials of modeling for games is the level of polygons manterner
  very low, so the engine will not have trouble processing the esecnario.
Another important issue is that most of those who recently started in this equipment are very few people,
 even one person. so it is very important to keep in mind that we have to work
 much on stage , much time and many days , so check that they think need to be
 at least two hours a day working on this project to see results quickly .
 make yourselves a diagram that few models and modeling objects want per day and try to fulfill it
 strictly , otherwise the work will stretch over time, they will lose interest and go to leave .
 Once the model diagrammed scenario finished and complete , it's time to start working.
 try to start with a large model , because if the faces and the models are very large, they will have
 to use textures and very large and very high resolution images when they have to apply the textures.
 comparing well as a 1x1x1 cube in Maya , put textures in Unity and pass it to see results
 obtained, and from there they can start modeling the entire level .


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